The Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, in which young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative get together to create new products for the next generation and address the issue of bearers, has started a crowdfunding campaign to create new Honba Oshima Tsumugi for the next generation and to open an online training course where people can experience and study the technique from remote areas to create new bearers.
In the Honjo Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, we have been working to solve issues such as the shortage of craftsmen, wage structure, and demand creation for Honjo Amami Oshima Tsumugi through a system in which young craftsmen gather, produce and hand directly to customers, development and sales of products in collaboration with artists, and classes and dressing experiences for local children. We have been working to solve the problems of the shortage of craftsmen, the wage system, and the creation of demand.
Challenge to create modern Honjo Oshima Tsumugi designed by kimono designer UEOKATARO
This time, we have taken on the challenge of creating a new brand of Honjo Oshima Tsumugi for the next generation, “age! We have commissioned a kimono designer, Mr. UEOCATARO, to design a new and unprecedented design for this new brand “age! Young people and foreigners are enjoying fashion without being restricted by age or gender boundaries. This brand, too, is developing products under the concept of “no borders” so that everyone can enjoy fashion, both in what they wear and what they make.
The brand “age! solves one of the problems of traditional crafts, which is the preservation of proof. Each product is individually tagged with a number after tailoring, and the name of the craftsman who created it and the proof of production area are passed down as an electronic certificate. The only woven design will be stored, published, and exhibited as digital data (NFT) that cannot be replaced to prevent disguise or plagiarism.
A portion of this product will be used as a crowdfunding return gift, and will be given to crowdfunders on a priority basis from next year onward, as well as unveiled from next year onward.
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